
Noorani Qaida

Noorani Qaida
Learn Noorani Qaida Online Master Tajweed and Quranic Arabic

Explore the foundational  Noorani Qaida online course, a comprehensive program covering  essential  basics  like alphabets, complex  letters,  and  the  use  of  different  movements  (Harakat).  As you progress, you'll seamlessly connect  letters  to  form  proper  words. This primary Qaida also delves into Tajweed rules, crucial for  accurate Quran recitation.

Designed for learners of all  ages, our  user-friendly Qaida ensures easy comprehension. Upon  completing  this  online  course, you or your child will  confidently navigate Arabic  alphabets, understand  symbols, and grasp  fundamental rules.Take the  first step toward Quranic  fluency – enroll  now!

For  an  immersive  Arabic learning  experience,  visit: Quran E Class - Arabic Language Course

Global Quran Learning Journey
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Course Outline

✔ Arabic Alphabet
✔ Pronunciation of all alphabets
✔ Identification and Positioning of Letter
✔ Connecting of the Letters

✔ Short Vowels (Harakat)

✔  Short Vowels (Harakat)

✔ Sukoon

✔ Tanween
✔ Letters of Leen
✔ Rules of Noon Sakinah & Tanween
✔ Rules of Raa

✔ Noon Qutni

✔ Waqf (Proper Stoppage and Pausing)

✔ Rules of Laam