
Refund Policy

Our Refund Policy

Easy Refund Policy Study Quran Online Easily with Us

We proudly offer an easy refund policy to our customers: Study Quran Online Easily with Us!

Easily Secure Full Payment Refund Study Quran Online with Confidence

If  a  student  enrolls  in  our  online  Quran  classes  and  pays  the  monthly  subscription,  they  can  easily  receive  a  full  payment  refund  if  unable  to  start  regular  classes  for  any  reason.  However,  once  regular  classes  commence  and  the  student  begins  online  learning,  no  refund,  whether  full  or  partial,  can  be processed  for  the monthly payment

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Initiate  Refund  for  remaining  payments  easily Study  Quran  online  with  confidence

If you have paid in advance for 3 or more months and started taking classes with us, then just after a month you got to some busy schedule or or any other related issue and wanted to cancel your classes, then, we will refund back all of your remaining months' payment..

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Refund Fee Applies Quran Studies Online

If we can't provide your chosen teacher or classes at your preferred time, and you've paid the monthly fee, you'll be refunded, minus a small refund fee. Study Quran online with flexible options.

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